Do you find yourself saying these things?

My child would never eat that. He / she is such a picky eater.

I hate to cook.

Sigh. Meal time exhausts me.

It is so hard to get my child to eat any vegetables.

Meal time is stressful.

I wish there was an easier way.

Healthy food costs so much money.

I cook more than one meal to please everyone at the table, and I don't want to.

Grocery shop? With kids? Fun? Are you crazy?

Grocery shopping is exhausting.

If any of these things resonate with you, please know that you are not alone. In fact, you are in good company.

The question I have for you is. . . do these statements move you toward feeling more ease, or away from it?

Truth is, your mindset is driving your decisions every single day on what (and how) to feed your child.

It can create:

  • stressful afternoons running to the grocery store last minute, huffing, puffing and resenting the entire process

  • last minute drive-thru or take-out pizza runs...for the 3rd time that week

  • a lack of variety or enjoyment at the dinner table

  • frustration and fights trying to wager with your child

  • lack of confidence in preparing healthy meals for your family

  • habitually feeding your children low fuel foods high in sugar and chemicals which leads to hyperactivity, lack of concentration, compromised immune system, mood swings, anxiety, poor sleep, and so much more.

And the cycle perpetuates… week after week, month after month, year after year.

If you experience this . . . how is it working for you?

If it is not working for you at all… would you like some support?

Maybe you feel confined by time, money, energy, or even knowledge.

Maybe you feel like you’re so stressed and overwhelmed you don’t know how to change or where to begin.

But I have good news for you. You can change this, and I can help.

I am offering FAMILY FOOD REVOLUTION: How to Feed Your Family Healthy Nourishing Meals They'll Love.

9 years ago, I created this beloved group program. I ran this group 2x/year for 4 years.

It filled up every time.

My 3 boys were young, and I was doing this work right alongside moms with toddlers and with teens.

And over the past couple years working with women around overcoming overwhelm, I realized this course provides a complementary skill set for moms who are:

  • Overwhelmed in the kitchen.

  • Overwhelmed with grocery shopping, meal planning, and last minute runs to the store

  • Overwhelmed with picky eaters and attitudes at the table

  • Overwhelmed with “one more thing to do”

  • Overwhelmed to know where to begin and how to make this enjoyable

  • Overwhelmed with how to navigate the social pressure from family, school, sports, and community functions

And maybe you're not overwhelmed at all... maybe you're a mom, looking for tips and tools to encourage you along this path of creating a nourishing foundation for your kiddos. You'll find that here.

Get all the details here ==>


Together, let's create a nourishing foundation for your family.

A foundation that will:

  • enable your kids to focus when studying in school

  • build a strong resilient immune system

  • avoid blood sugar imbalances and mood swings

  • give them confidence to cook and choose healthy meals for themselves...

...all while supporting mental, emotional, and physical health.

As a mom, you play an incredibly important role in shaping your child’s health.

The good news? It doesn’t have to be difficult or filled with drama, stress, or overwhelm.

You can do this.

Mealtime can be enjoyable.

Healthy food can be budgeted and cost effective.

Your child can learn to be an adventurous eater.

You only need to cook one meal for all (yes please!).

Grocery shopping can be an empowering and stress-free experience. I know this because I've been teaching moms how to do this for over 15 years.

With the right tools and strategies, an encouraging network of moms and a willingness to show up, you might surprise yourself at how easy and doable this can be.