My weekly date with myself

Every Friday morning I have a date with myself.

The grocery store.

I'll be's not my favorite place. In fact, this past year of grocery shopping, I've wanted to stay home most times and delay the inevitable.

But every week, I give myself a little mindset reset.

I asked myself: how will it feel in an hour when I have a home stocked with all the meals I need for the entire week ahead? No running to the store last minute. No asking "what's for dinner?" at 5pm.

And then I remember how it feels to spend one hour shopping every Friday morning and not have to think about it until next Friday morning.


Thursday nights, I spend 10 minutes before bed (or at the dinner table with my family) making a meal plan.

The key to this getting done so quickly is the practice of making decisions.

Just decide what's going to be made. Make the list. Don't question it.

It gets easier the more I practice it.


This photo was taken on a Friday morning, I went for a walk with a friend at 6am followed by a run to the store. Messy hair, no shower, no make-up and this is me at 8:06am afterwards, with my groceries in the car. It was an imperfect run to the store. They didn't have everything I needed, but I call it a win.

This is what self care looks like for me as the mom of a busy household with three boys ages 10, 12 and 14. It's the gift I give my future self each and every week.

This 90-minute gift of planning the week of meals, shopping for them and unloading them frees up a tremendous amount of time and energy in the week ahead.

We make upwards of 35,000 decisions every single day and according to a study at Cornell University we make over 200 decisions a day on food alone. That's 1400 decisions every single week just about food!

It's no wonder when 5 o'clock rolls around, the question "what's for dinner?" is the most dreaded question of the day because by 5 o'clock we're tired of making decisions.

By grocery shopping once a week, I'm helping myself eliminate the majority of those 200 food decisions every single day which frees up so much thinking space and helps me release the overwhelm of having to make extra decisions every day and I can better use my time to focus on something else.


We're kicking off Family Food Revolution this Thursday night with creating your Meal Plan Mindset and a Plan | Shop | Prep strategy that will support you where you are; followed by a group coaching call Friday for: 30 minutes of Meal Plan support for the week ahead followed by 30 minutes Q&A.

This class helped me get organized with meal planning, taking the confused, hopeless feeling away from grocery shopping and dinner making. ~Necia

In the weeks following, we'll discuss all the strategies and tools, mindset and organization I use to feed my family healthy nourishing meals they love over the last 14 years, and I'd love to show you how I do it and help you do the same for your family, whether you have littles or teens.

We'll discuss:

  • Key strategies to get kids to eat healthy foods and not only eat them, but enjoy them;

  • How to bust the sugar habit in your home without your children even missing it;

  • The difference your attitude makes... (It’s everything.);

  • The 3 pillars for nourishing family meals;

  • Why your relationship with food matters;

  • How to drop the drama. It’s a game-changer when you do;

  • How to create consistent (dare I say enjoyable) prep time, mealtime, and grocery shopping experiences;

  • A simple foundational roadmap to set your kids up for healthy habits for the long haul.

PLUS… You'll have a private FB group to connect with other moms along the journey and each week I'll also be sharing our family favorite recipes.

By the end of the 4 weeks, you'll have at least 30 of our favorite recipes; breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Questions? I'd love to answer them. Simple contact me here.