Reflections Of A Life Well Loved...

Ryan and I celebrated our 22 year wedding anniversary this week.

Truth be told, our souls have been mingling since we were age 7 running around playing girls catch boys and boys catch girls on the 2nd grade playground.

He was the only one I couldn't catch.

He was faster than me, darn it, but it made it all the more thrilling of a challenge, and I've been chasing him around ever since.

I love our marriage.

As I was walking with a friend yesterday whom I've known since we were tots, I told her that I don't often share that sentiment boldly - that I love our love - because I know so many marriages are not that way.

Her response...

Jill, you and Ryan have worked hard for this goodness. You two put in the time. You've invested in one another. You keep returning to one another. You extend grace for one another. Your marriage is so beautiful because you keep showing up to make it that way.

It look me a minute to realize this, but my friend is right.

It doesn't necessarily feel like "work" right now, but...

When I look back at our wedding day 22 years ago, we experienced a significant challenge. On our actual first day of marriage.

It offered the opportunity from day one to turn away from each other or turn toward one another.

We chose toward.

And we've been navigating how to turn toward one another through various challenges and hardships since...even when we don't necessarily want to.

And over time, it hasn't felt like work, as much as it's felt like...marriage. This is just what we do.

So as I reflect this week on our marriage, let me first say to all the marriages out there...

I'm praying for you today.

If you're in the trenches, I'm praying a special load of grace and peace over your marriage today.

For those of you who feel like you are just going through the seemingly insignificant and monotonous rhythms of life with your partner...

...never ever under estimate the cumulative power of... I love you

...a kind word

...a long hug

...a passionate kiss

...a smile

...a held hand

...eye-to-eye contact

...a night away apology

...a listening ear

...a laugh together

...a therapy session

...a grace-filled heart

...a bouquet of flowers

...praying together

...the offer to fold the laundry or wash the dishes.

This is my wish for you.